What Children Can Teach Us About Eating Healthy

There is an estimated 5000+ species of mammals, almost 10,000 species of birds and 30,000 species of fish on earth.

Of all these animals why does it seem only we humans seem to struggle with the question of what to eat?

We have become so far removed from our animal instincts we’ve lost touch with the primal systems that drive our eating behaviors - the ones that tell us what to eat, when to eat it, and how much of it we should eat.

We all know that eating well is beneficial to our well-being but what we don’t know is what exactly eating well is.  In our distress we look to authority figures such as doctors or celebrities for answers but the group that may have the most to offer on this subject; haven't even celebrated their first birthday.  I’m speaking of infants.

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A Healthy Perspective - Are Carbs Good or Bad

Life has taught me to have a healthy sense of skepticism when people begin making grandiose claims - especially when there's money to be made. While the body is incredibly adaptable, going to the extremes is often not a successful long-term strategy for health or success.  Cutting carbs out of your diet is no different. The truth is being skewed whenever we denounce an essential nutrient or begin naming 'bad guys'. So let’s go over what you need to know about carbs and take a healthy perspective on the topic.

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Stephen Griffith
How To Not Hurt Yourself In The Gym

What made you decide to hire a trainer? " I asked, as I do with all my new clients.

"My doctor says I have to lose weight and I'm afraid I'll hurt myself if I do it on my own" She responded.

After dozens of these conversations, I've learned that what's holding many people back from exercising is that they're afraid they'll hurt themselves. 

While exercising is one of the best things you can do for your health it is not without risk.

 I would like to go over a few things you can do to make sure that your workouts keep you out of the hospital - not send you there.

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Zero to One -  A Beginners Program for Success

I spent time over those months reflecting and I realized where I went wrong.

I gave Sarah a program that would get her to her goals but I failed to give her a program that solved the underlying problem - Showing up, being consistent, and believing in her ability to accomplish a task.

Sarah is like many people. She's a beginner who has never exercised but knows she should.  Exercising is more punishment than pleasure for her. At the least, it’s a chore that needs to get done.

Any time she has tried in the past she's failed.  Each failure reinforced the idea that exercise is hard, that it's not for her, and that she wasn't meant to be fit.

This time around I created a program focused on building consistency, proficiency, and confidence.

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Understanding The Training Process

Emily and Kate were coworkers in a nearby finance firm. The hours were long, the work was hectic, and after a few months, they noticed the toll it had taken. They felt weak and sluggish, there bodies had grown in all the wrong places, and there dissatisfaction grew with it. Finally they decided it was time to hit the gym and make a change.  

In three months time, Emily dropped 4 inches off her waist, lost her goal of 10 pounds and increased both her strength and muscle tone. As a trainer,  these are the transformations that make waking up at 5 am worth it. Kate however did not see any change in her appearance. I chose this story because both women came to the gym 2-3 times a week and faced similar work constraints but why did one see great results and the other didn't?

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Stephen Griffith
Think Twice Before Trying These 5 Exercises

I wish there was a “Don’t Try this at Home” warning for the gym.

With YouTube and Instagram, it’s never been easier to share the awesome crazy over the top exercises and workouts you do with others. Hell,  CrossFit made a whole sport out of it.

Looking at all the videos being performed by these fit beautiful superhumans can lead you to believe that those are the workouts you need to perform if you want to look and perform as they do.  

What goes unmentioned is the hours, weeks, and years of training required to produce the workout you just finished watching.

And the risk of injury for you should you attempt it without the proper background, skills, and mastery of the fundamentals.

Here are the top 5 cool exercises that are performed most commonly in the gym and which you should think twice about before you try it for yourself.  

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Listen To Your Gut - A Guide to Nutritional Wisdom

This relationship between the food you eat and how you feel afterward creates a feedback loop.  This feedback teaches us what can be coined as nutritional wisdom. To be nutritionally wise is to be able to listen to the needs of your body and respond appropriately - It's how humans have survived for millennia without the nutritional guidance of Cosmopolitan magazine and Dr. OZ.  

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Stephen Griffith
How to Pick The Right Trainer

The fitness industry has no quality control. If you can pass a multiple choice test and have a few hundred dollars you too can be a personal trainer. I have seen too many people hurt by inexperienced trainers prescribing ill-advised exercise and I want better for you.

While there are many poor trainers in the industry, there are also many good ones. Ones who got into the industry for the right reasons and are passionate about their craft. Working with a good trainer is the best way to get fast results while learning how to take care of your body.

Today I want to show you what to look for so you can choose a quality trainer and avoid getting hurt or wasting your money.

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Stephen Griffith
What Animal Farm Can Teach Us About Fitness

Animal Farm is a satire written by George Orwell that reflects the events leading up to the Russian revolution and the rise of Soviet Union. It's a fantastic and thought-provoking book like his other - 1984 - and I recommend everyone read it. While I was reading it though there was a character named Boxer whose attitude reflects many gym goers. There's a valuable lesson we can all learn about staying healthy, questioning authority and being successful in the gym.   

Boxer is a well-intentioned but naïve horse in George Orwell's book Animal Farm.

He is a powerful horse regarded for his strength, stamina and work ethic.

Boxer lives by two slogans - “I will work harder" and “Napoleon is always right”

Eventually, his body breaks down from the hard work in the fields and instead of retiring in the pasture as Napoleon (The farm's tyrannical leader) promised, he is instead fooled and sent to his death.

While unintentional, Boxer’s mantra's reflects the two most common mistakes most people face when they try to get healthier. His story serves as a warning for all of us.

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Stephen Griffith
The Cheat Sheet: 8 Easy to Learn Pain -Free Exercises To Get You Started

Over the course of my training career, I’ve come across several exercises that are simple, effective, and low risk. They're my cheat sheet for working with clients who have injuries or little experience exercising. So when it came to building Sarah a program, I pulled out my cheat sheet and got to work.  

Below are the 7 cheat sheet exercises I chose, which you too can use to get started. Together they make a workout that addresses strength, posture, core stability, mobility, and work capacity, all while being simple to learn and perform on your own.

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Stephen Griffith
2017 Reading Recommendations

Books are a fantastic way to learn about a topic, and every year I take a get to take a journey where I learn and deepen my knowledge.

This year yielded some great titles and I would like to share the books that I feel would best help you on your fitness journey.

When I decide whether or not to recommend a book I first look to make sure it meets certain criteria

  1. It’s understandable
  2. It’s impactful and will help you
  3. It changes your perspective

With that said, here are my top 5 recommendations for this year.

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Stephen Griffith
Don’t Drink Your Calories - A Guide For Cutting Out Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

“Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) or sugary drinks are leading sources of added sugars in the American diet. Frequently drinking sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with weight gain/obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities, and gout, a type of arthritis.1-4 Limiting the amount of SSB intake can help individuals maintain a healthy weight and have a healthy diet.”

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Stephen Griffith
Low Budget, Short on Space - Must Have Equipment for Your Home Gym

You may want your home to be your exclusive workout center, or you may just want equipment around for the eventuality that you won't make it to the gym. For whichever reason you chose to workout at home I have created a list of recommended workout equipment to help get the most out of you home workouts. The Items below are based on my own experience as a trainer and must meet the following criteria: Affordable, Compact, Versatile, and offer the ability to progress.

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What is Muscle Soreness and How to Fix it

It is a feeling that everyone has likely experienced during their life but is also one that most people don't know too much about. This lack of knowledge leads to many misconceptions regarding DOMS- just as I had when I let it discourage me from pursuing my childhood dream. In this article I will address - What is DOMS and what causes it,  Misconceptions regarding soreness, and ways to reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle syndrome.

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ExerciseStephen Griffith
How To Master Breakfast - Don't Let Breakfast Ruin Your Results

Breakfast is the worst meal of the day. That's right, I said it.  Rather than breakfast being a meal of sustenance meant to nourish and prepare you for the upcoming day, it does the opposite. It leaves most people tired, hungry, bloated, and fatter.  The typical American breakfast is a glorified dessert masquerading around as the "most important meal of the day".

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Stephen Griffith
How To Train The Core For A Smaller Waist

When I started training I thought that lots of cardio and crunches were the key to this tight waist, and if I did enough I’d have abs like Adonis.

However, as I went through my schooling I learned that the common assumptions I and many others in the gym have for narrowing the waist were either inefficient or even potentially dangerous.

Heres your guide for a skinnier waist. 

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ExerciseStephen Griffith
How To Choose The Best Exercises

A training plan is like a cooking recipe; a set of directions that when followed leaves you with your desired finished product. In cooking you end up with a nice steak dinner - In fitness a stronger, leaner and healthier self. As any top chef will tell you - the key to a great meal starts with quality ingredients.  Likewise, the key to a good training program starts with good quality exercises. 

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ExerciseStephen Griffith
The 5 Principles of Healthy Eating

Diet is a subject riddled with misinformation and opinion. Every day there seems to be new information that contradicts itself. It's no wonder so many Americans are confused.

When confronted with a controversial subject such a nutrition I prefer to boil things down to their fundamental truths. Whats left when you take away all the sales language and alternative motives are a few basic principles that all sides can agree on.

When we apply this to healthy eating, we are left with the 5 basic principles that every healthy diet must share.

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Stephen Griffith